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Vol. 2, Jan-Dec 2016


Rebecca Akpanglo-Nartey, Pascal Kpodo, Abraham Bisilki Page: 001-016

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A recent acoustic study of Ga tones indicates that Ga uses seven tone patterns to distinguish meaning in words and syllables. These tone patterns include High, Low, High High, High Low, Low Low, High High Low, High High High. This study investigates how different onsets affect the different tone patterns in Ga. In this research, we investigate how syllable onset of different voicing, place of articulation and manner of articulation affect the tone patterns of the Ga syllable. Data is collected from two native speakers who read sentences in a frame: “say… only”. F0 and duration of the syllables were analyzed using PRAAT. The results confirm earlier results from other studies that syllables with voiceless onset are likely to be longer and have a higher F0 than syllables with voiced onsets. In terms of places of articulation for the nasals, the tendency is that the palatal nasals have the lowest pitch contour for the L tone pattern followed by the alveolar and then the bilabial. For the H tone pattern, the alveolar has the highest pitch contour followed by the palatal and then the bilabial. Thus the paper suggests that any description of the tone patterns of language should include an investigation of the different onsets that a syllable can have. The study gives precise description of the tones of Ga and adds to the acoustic database of Ga language.


Habib Awais Abubakar Page: 017-027

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This study examines the representation of the Other in Joseph Conrad‟s Heart of Darkness. It provides a literary exploration into the continuing discourse of „Otherness‟ vis-à-vis colonial representation and the negative stereotypes of non-European people and cultures. In this study the other referred to Africans and Non-Europeans. It analyses the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. The relationship between the colonizer and the colonized had been a recurrent feature in fiction and non-fiction. The relationship was usually an unequal one based on the „Self‟ and the „Other‟, meaning the „ruler‟ and the „ruled‟, the „civilized‟ and the „uncivilized‟ and so on. However, this study uses post-colonial literary theory as its theoretical framework to examine the effects of colonialism in the world-renowned novel namely; Heart of Darkness. The reason that Joseph Conrad‟s Heart of Darkness was chosen for this study was because the author attempted to look into the long strained relationship between the colonizer and the colonized from different perspectives. Conrad‟s Heart of Darkness was published in 1902. The period was the beginning of the disintegration of colonialism and the work suggests the beginning of a new attitude towards the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized.


Meenakshi Page: 028-036

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Narratology tries to study how narratives make meaning, and what the basic mechanisms and procedures are which are common to all acts of story-telling. Githa Hariharan’s use of frequent myths, legends and stories provides the scope to read her debut novel The Thousand Faces of Night for the purpose of exploring its narrative structure. The novel has been divided into three parts, and every part has been further divided into three chapters each. It revolves around three women characters – Devi, Sita and Mayamma. The main plot advances as Devi endures a marriage full of loneliness and suffocation. Second important element of narrative structure is the organization of the events in the plot. What devices the author uses to put things in right place in his/her narrative are studied under this point. Hariharan has also made use of parallels and contrasts to bring together the narrative which on the surface seems to be a scattering of stories. All the stories in the sub-plots are either parallel or in contrast to each other. A significant part of a narrative is the narrator. Though the narrative of The Thousand Faces of Night starts as well as ends with third-person narrators, it keeps shifting alternatively from first-person narrator to third-person in the chapters in between. The theme which drives the plot of this novel is the subtle and everyday way in which women are bludgeoned to play male-scripted subordinate roles. it is revealed that the story of the novel has been given in fragments, yet the novel manages to tell a fabulous story. The reading process is split into two between the narrative and the non-narrative passages. In the intervals, the narrator inserts pieces of totally different stories and anecdotes, which do not have a direct attachment to the main focus of the narrative.


Devshani, Samaranayake, Rekha Nianthi, K.W.G. Page: 037-046

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Early warning systems need to actively involve the communities at risk, facilitate public education and awareness of risks, effectively disseminate alerts and warnings and ensure there is a constant state of preparedness. On the 29th of October 2014, an enormous landslide occurred in Koslanda, Meeriyabeda, tea plantation Estate in Haldummulla DS division in Badulla district causing considerable damages to life and property. The main objectives of this study were to identify the institutional gaps and shortcoming of the early warning system and also to identify the gaps and shortcoming of community responses. 79 families with 271 people are directly affected by this landslide. 517 families with 1691 people are indirectly affected. The numbers of missing persons were recorded as 37. The Meeriyabedda landslide was mainly trigged by the Second Inter Monsoonal rain which occurred in the month of October and November. The study revealed that the LEVEL 1 landslide warning has been sent out to Haldummulla DS Division but evacuation warning was not issued by the relevant authorities before the landslide occurred. It was also clear that the proper equipment or mechanism was not used by the government authorities to disseminate the warning to the community in an appropriate way. The dissemination of early warning from divisional level to the grass root level must be improved. Preparation of hazard and risk maps for most vulnerable areas must be completed as soon as possible. The awareness level among the community on PRE and POST disaster responses and handling a disastrous situation is not to the satisfaction level in this area. Therefore, intensive and attractive awareness raising programs must be conducted among the communities by responsible authorities. The study identified the best system for effective early warning is as the “Community bases self-evacuating early warning system”. It should be introduced to the landslides vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka so that the life and property losses caused by the landslide could be minimized.


Prof. Kabir Fatema Page: 047-052

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Growing slums are a constant issue that most architectural organization have been discussing and working over. Its concerns are associated with surrounding Metropolis skyline, Political agendas, commercial growth and labor sector housing. Usually the slums undergo a redevelopment project whilst monitored by the government and accomplished by an NGO. When neither looks into it the slums simply undergo demolition. This paper discusses an in-between path for addressing Slum concerns. Where demolition is ruled out, Skyline is protected, Commercial growth is answered through existing slum development and Labor of the city stays in its place. In order to elaborate on the idea of Co-Existence a Favela-Bairro project of Rio de Janeiro by Architect Jorge Mario Jauregui is studied and discussed.


Shivani Bansal Page: 053-059

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The structure of the Internet that is used today is based mainly on wired communications. The emerging technologies like fiber optics–based high speed wired networks would flourish in the near future. With this existing network of networks, semi-infrastructure and infrastructure-less wireless networks will also be used in abundance. Figure 4 shows a conceptual view of the future global Internet structure. MANETs would definitely play an important role in the future Internet structure, especially for the mobile Internet. Hence, in some cases, it might be necessary that the routing protocols of MANET work in perfect harmony with their wired counterparts. Considering different approaches of routing, a hybrid approach might be more appropriate for such scenarios.


Shivani Bansal Page: 060-064

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Internet has developed in new delivery channels electronic transactions are increasing rapidly. This need has arisen to understand how they perceive directly to buy consumers. Most of the people who use the internet to purchase goods online, but that there are still some reasons for which consumers are reluctant to buy online. The purpose of this study is to review the factors felt reservation of consumers in online shopping. The main objective of this research is to study, especially what are factors affecting the consumers directly for online shopping. To this end, a survey was conducted and the 120 questionnaires were distributed among the students of different universities and the general public. The replies have been analyzed by means of frequency distribution, average and chart analysis. The results of the survey analysis has shown that most of the people already shopping online and prefer to make their purchases online, but there are some factors such as psychological factors, social factors emotional factors, and the privacy factors which affect the buyer attitudes of online purchases. The protection of privacy and security are major Problems that affect the behavior of the population to buy online. Various attitudes of consumers toward online shopping are not in rest in the study which reveals that the purchase online is easy, comfortable and better that conventional shopping due to various factors. Price, the trust, the convenience and the recommendations have been identified as important factors. Price was considered to be the most fascinating and affecting factor for the majority of students and the general public. Most of the consumers hesitate not to do shopping online, because of the insecure payment and transactions systems.


Radhika Kapur Page: 065-071

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This research manuscript focuses upon the development of gender equality and social responsibility through literacy. In India, it has been observed that there have been prevalence of male dominant societies especially in rural areas, people who are not well aware possess the viewpoint that only men and boys can acquire education, they can get engaged in jobs and earn a living for their families whereas women and girls are supposed to learn only how to do the household chores and become only house ladies; education or any kinds of jobs are not meant for them. Education is imperative for survival, it is a means that enables an individual to understand his/her responsibilities, acquire information and identify himself within the community. Education and literacy are considered to be important aspects that inculcate the attitude of responsibility amongst the individuals in every way, socially, economically, politically and enable them to become better citizens of the country. The main areas that are highlighted in this research manuscript are gender equality, gender equality and information and communications technologies, evolution of social responsibility in India, and development of social responsibility.


Radhika Kapur Page: 072-078

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Bonded labor, bondage or bond labor are the appropriate terms to use when economic penalties are connected to forced labor. Bonded labor is a sort of patronage when the minimum wage paid to the workers is barely enough to meet the daily expenses of the employee and the relation between the employer and employee is often characterized by unsettled and exploitative payment agreements which are beneficial to the employer. All kinds of bonded labor are not considered forced but most forced labor practices possess a bonded nature, regardless of whether the work involves adults or children. In this research paper, the understanding of bonded labor has been highlighted; the main areas that are emphasized upon are origin and causes of bonded labor in India, the different sectors where bonded labor is prevalent, characteristics of the bonded labor system and critical view of India’s response to bonded labor. Bonded labor has been widespread in India, under the menace of a penalty, that is because of loan taken and when people are unable to pay back the loan, they become bonded laborers. This penalty may consist of loss of rights and privileges, bonded laborers are subjected to physical violence, control, hazards and deal with economic consequences.


Radhika Kapur Page: 079-085

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In organizations, industries, factories and other production units, particularly where manufacturing of products takes place and where workers operate machines, use tools and other instruments, electric devices, mechanisms, appliances and gadgets; in these areas, a worker may accidently get hurt or suffer an injury at work, therefore, the employers are supposed to formulate measures, norms and documentations regarding worker’s compensation. When a worker suffers an injury or an illness at work, then the employers are supposed to pay the compensation to the workers such as medical expenses, benefits to the worker for the loss of work days, benefits to the family members in case of a death of the worker, temporary disability benefits and permanent disability benefits. In this research paper, the meaning and understanding of workers’ compensation has been underscored. The main areas that have been included are workmen’s compensation act, benefits of worker’s compensation, steps followed in case any injury or illness is suffered, worker’s compensation fraud, criminal and civil penalties and hospitals, insurance and conditions. Workmen’s compensation benefits provide the required assistance to the workers as well as their family members; when a worker has suffered an injury, certainly he is not able to resume his work, but the worker’s compensation benefits enable him to recuperate and keep up his self-discipline and will power


David Schwartz, Daniel Galily Page: 086-092

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Since the establishment of the State of Israel, there have been changes in the economic structure of Israel. In the first years of existence, the Israeli economy was small and centralized, following the need to absorb immigration. The Israeli economy was based primarily on agriculture, and there was some traditional industry (textile, food). Over the years, there was a change in the economic basis, and the economy became large and complex, including a modern hi-tech industry and diverse services of quality.


Dr. Vinita M Chaudhary Page: 093-096

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It is generally presumed that high Teaching Aptitude of teachers arise better Academic Achievements to his students. This research has been undertaken to study Academic Achievements of the students. The researcher wanted to ascertain Academic Achievement of Boy and Girl students. Sex Difference in Academic Achievement found and the concerned data shows the difference between Boy and Girl students is significant. The results indicate that Girl students are better than Boy students in the field of Academic Achievement.


P.S. Rajpoot 10/10/2016 Page: 097-104

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Dr. A.K.S. Rana 14/10/2016 Page: 105-131

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According to the 2011 census, 70% of India's 1.21 billion population lives in rural areas and the remaining 30% in urban settlements. For such a country, which is struggling to become the economic superpower of the world, this news cannot be said to be auspicious that more than half of its population has no toilet in the house for daily retirement. Toilets are still a daydream, as this facility, which is necessary to face the dangers of health and hygiene, is not yet available to almost half of the country's population.


Dr. Padma Shri 15/10/2016 Page: 132-138

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Nature is constantly changing. The effect of change on everything can be easily seen. The teaching process is also not beyond this change. Today's era is a technology-intensive era, so, the need for new technology based teaching method is felt as compared to the traditional method of teaching. Therefore, the researcher has studied the effect of the multi-media approach on the personality and academic achievement of the students. Progressive research method was used in the study. By making two groups of 100 students (50-50) of class 11th, one group was taught based on the traditional method of teaching and the other group based on the multimedia approach. On the basis of statistical analysis, the teachers found the suitability of the multi-media approach and the academic achievement of the students also increased. Multimedia approach has had a positive impact on the personality of the students. Therefore, in order to make classroom teaching interesting and effective, multi-media approach based teaching is beneficial for the students as compared to the traditional method of teaching.