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Special Issue Vol. 8, No. 2 2022

Detailed Study on the Role of Laser Sintering in Rapid Prototype-Review

Fathima Hamaza Hasseem Deen, Saleha Rahman, Janani Kavi Priya V S 05/03/2022 Page: 001-013

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Selective laser sintering, which can employ a wide range of powdered materials to manufacture high quality complex geometries directly from digital models, has become a very adaptable fast prototyping method in recent years. This is one of the powder-based manufacturing methods that employs high-power CO2 laser radiation to melt and fuse polymer powders at a low scanning speed. Surface tension causes balling, therefore high power and moderate scanning speed assist to decrease it. Laser beam design for sintering power material is influenced by technical characteristics such as laser power, temperature, laser point size, scanning speed, and so on. This article offers a detailed evaluation of the effects of different parameters on selective laser sintering incudes Laser power, scanning speed, and temperature. As an outcome, High temperatures promote powder agglomeration, which affects the mechanical integrity, dimensional accuracy, and surface polish of printed components. The melting time will be longer if the scanning speed is low, while the laser energy transfer time will be shorter if the scanning speed is high. When the laser power is too high, and too low cases are discussed along with Mechanical qualities improve as laser power and scanning speed drop, which is consistent with microstructure.

Numerical Analysis of Electric Pump Feed System for Upper-Stage Rocket

Ganesh Kumar Reddy Bommavaram, Tithi Niranjan Ojha, Shreyansh Dubey, P M S S Manohar, Aditya 05/03/2022 Page: 014-024

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Due to advancements in battery technologies, electric propellant feed systems became an alternative to Gas pressure and Turbo-pump propellant feed systems in liquid rocket applications. For longer burn times, low thrust, and low chamber pressures, the Electric feed system offers reliable mass savings compared to Turbo-pumps and Pressure feed systems. Electric pump-fed propellant feed system provides cost savings and a simple design due to the elimination of high-temperature gas flow used in turbo-pumps. This paper addresses the power and energy requirements calculations for motors, pumps, and batteries. A maximum thrust of 25 kN is considered for the second stage rocket with minimum exit velocity of 2900 m/s and maximum exit velocity of 4500 m/s. The second stage of the rocket uses LO2 (Liquid Oxygen) and LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen) as fuels. Two cases are considered to transfer the power from electric motors to pumps and are compared for weight, power, and energy requirements. In one case, two electric motors are considered to run two pumps, one for LO2 and one for LH2. In the second case, a single motor with a gearbox is considered to operate the two pumps at different speeds.

Design and Analysis of Flat Bottom Fixed Wing for UAV

Padala.Tirumalesh, Cheelapalli Dilli Babu, Ani Reddy Sree Ramya, Kethna Deshpande 05/03/2022 Page: 025-030

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This paper presents the model design and analysis of a flat bottom fixed wing for UAV (unmanned Aerial vehicle) with reference of NACA-4412, the design is developed to obtain high stability and minimum controlling effort. The model is developed and model analysis are performed by using commercially available packages AutoCAD and ANSYS respectively. Design is tested for high performance of UAV, enhancing safety, reliability and effectiveness of flight operations. The results of theoretical calculations are compared with the numerical model analysis.

Design and Development of Solar Powered UAV for Long Endurance

Siri Bhuvana S, Pratyush Agnihotri, Sai Pavan Teja Kunche, Ankit Kumar Mishra 05/03/2022 Page: 031-039

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Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAVs) has become huge in the field reconnaissance areas of Many Nations. Endurance is the one of the principal issue in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Generally the greater part of the airplanes use ordinary fuel which cause pollution, which it additionally have a short time frame life and Expensive. So there is an Enormous need for involving a non modest exhaustible source of energy as a fuel. A sunlight based energy is one of the reachable sustainable energy. The streamlining and planning of the optimal design of Flying vehicle have gotten part of significance to expanding the use to fostering the UAV with compelling endurance and dependability at a subsonic speed. In this paper a conceptual and preliminary design approach is introduced for a solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle to achieve higher endurance. Some data has been acquired statistically from the existing aircraft and unmanned systems due do the theoretical calculations for the solar powered UAV. A better understanding of design and most optimal configuration selection can be determined by performing a historical analysis on previous UAV’s. The main aim of the paper is to design a fixed wing solar UAV with high endurance. In preliminary design the wing geometry and unmanned aerial system is designed using Autodesk Fusion 360 software. Further an appropriate wing span is calculated to be 4m to complete the designing of the 3-D solar powered UAV. The performance analysis has been calculated theoretically by using various parameters. Thorough research has been done to find the desired photo voltaic solar cells and types of batteries to be installed in the system to incorporate the solar power system for long endurance. The final objective was to design and analyze a solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle for long endurance applications with implementation of batteries and solar cells.

Drag Optimisation of Nose Cone Configuration in Supersonic And Hypersonic Regimes

Vignesh Kumar.M, Hari Shanmugam, Anubhav Dasgupta 05/03/2022 Page: 040-044

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Nose cones are essential in high-speed vehicles to ensure minimum aerodynamic drag and change the air flow behavior of incoming air. This paper makes a comparison between the drag forces experienced by different configurations of nose cones at different altitudes and Mach numbers. The change in the drag force with altitude or Mach number is studied to understand the effect of these parameters. Three different Mach numbers 1,3 and 5 are considered, while altitude is considered from sea level to 15 km in steps of five - 0km, 5km, 10km and 15km. The results obtained provide an idea about the optimum operating region for the nose cone designs

Analysis on Manufacturing of Clay Bricks Using Plastic as a Raw Material

Shahin I. Korbu, Asha D. Thaware, Prof. Shinde S. V. 05/03/2022 Page: 045-049

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Now a days competition is the thing which can be help to improve the human life as well as their living status. Every person wants a car, huge building to live because they made to them as necessary think to develop them self. As cost of land get increase because of the lands cannot available at huge amount. In this condition to overcome the human problems the human can increase height of buildings They can use so many construction materials like bricks ,stones ,etc. The main component is to PET waste is a plastic waste that very difficult to recycle in large scale, so it was causing environmental pollution. In this project plastic used as main material of bricks . A regular brick has a cement sand ballast cement and water. All these elements have a weight implication whereas our paver blocks only have sand or ballast and plastics The brick can be sustaining the load when it is used in two or more stored buildings. It can be made a proper bond between the mortar and other bricks because there is special arrangement i.e., frog Due to frog it is sustain the different loads in different in different ways. The compressive strength is very high as compared to other construction materials. These bricks are very economical because it requires raw materials like coal powder, biogas, wooden powder , water which are very economical materials. So, the other construction materials having high cost which is not affordable for normal person.

The Extent to Which Islamic Education Books for the Primary Stage Include the Concepts of Peaceful Coexistence

Dr. Thaer Jabbar Hammoud 05/03/2022 Page: 050-069

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The current research aims to know the extent to which Islamic education books for the primary stage include the concepts of peaceful coexistence. The research community was Islamic education books approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Education. As for the sample, it is the concepts of peaceful coexistence included in Islamic education topics. After conducting a content analysis process for the topics, the existence of a set of concepts and their number 35 concepts distributed over the six stages, but there was no balance in distributing them to the school stages. The concepts of respect and assistance predominated in all stages in the first place, followed by the concept of brotherhood, love, and removing harm. As for the concept of charity, good neighborliness, forgiveness, friendship, humility, justice, generosity and righteousness, they were the least among the concepts mentioned in the topics of Islamic education, which called the researcher to suggest a balance between these concepts and their distribution in a way Intensive in Islamic education topics

Pressures Investigating Journalism

Hawra Adnan Faeq Al-Obaidi 05/01/2022 Page: 070-094

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The purpose of this study is to monitor, analyse and interpret the pressures faced by the communicator in the investigative investigation from the point of view of the communicator in the surveys. This study belongs to the descriptive studies. The researcher used the media survey approach, using the survey tool as the required data tool. The survey applied a deliberate sample of investigative investigators in Iraq as its component. 60 singles distributed among four (press, television, radio and news agencies).

The Effect of The PCQ (Pros: Cons: Questions) Strategy on the Historical Understanding of Fifth Grade Literary Students

Qasim Irzooqi Qasim 05/03/2022 Page: 095-111

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The purpose of the study is to know the effect of the PCQ (Pros: Cons: Questions) strategy on the historical understanding of the fifth literary grade students. The researcher used an experimental design with partial control of the experimental group, and the researcher randomly chose Division (A) to represent the experimental group, which is taught according to the PCQ (Pros: Cons: Questions) strategy. The number of students in the two research groups is (67), including (33) students in the experimental group and (34) students from the control group. The two groups in equivalent different ways are chronological age, intelligence and previous academic achievement: The researcher prepared a research tool that tests historical understanding and was tested to ensure its validity and stability, and the researcher used (T test) a test of two independent samples to process the data, and the results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in historical understanding.

Soil Stabilization and Compaction Waste Plastic Material

Khose Abhishek, Pavaskar Shubham, Prof. Kale Vinod 05/03/2022 Page: 112-115

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A procedure of soil compaction techniques improvement which includes new authors’ methodology is described. The significance of soil compaction for engineering functions is substantiated. Preconditions for Proctor compaction take a look at look are highlighted. Proctor’s method and hints for the diploma of soil compaction assessing are analyzed. Soviet model of Proctor’s tools and Modified Proctor compaction check are given. Principal variations between Proctor tests, Standard compaction take a look at and Modified Proctor check is presented. The troubles and negative aspects of existent soil compaction checks are revealed. New authors’ bodily scan methodology for patterns institution of water migration in sub grade embankment depth, in the potential elements of what it is accepted: clay soil kind (its wide variety plasticity); moisture, at what the soil used to be compacted; soil skeleton density; embankment height; «rest» time after sub grade erection and earlier than its operation is developed and realized. By laboratory and subject exams water migration patterns in compacted sub grade soils depth are established. As an end result of statistical processing of lookup results, the empirical dependence of compacted clay soil stabilized moisture is obtained. Empirical dependence parameter corresponds to most molecular moisture ability at what it is beneficial to do the sub grade clay soils multilayer consolidation for their long-term power ensuring

Waste Plastic Used in Paving Block

Mane Anil, Thaware Aditya, Prof. Kale V. S. 05/03/2022 Page: 116-117

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Plastics are rapidly growing segment of the Municipal solid waste. Disposal of waste material including wastes plastic bags has become a serious problem. Amount of waste plastic bags being accumulated in 21st century has created big challenges for their disposal. The waste plastics in house hold is large and increases with time. In each country waste consumption is different, since it is unaffected by socioeconomic care critics and waste management programmes, but the level of plastics in waste consumption is high. In order to overcome this issue, we have to use it in effective way. This project is about recycling waste plastic into pavement blocks and study their characteristic

Effective Use of Quarry Dust in Fly Ash Brick

Mane Shivani Sanjay, Khandekar Chingubai Dama, Prof. Phule S.N. 05/03/2022 Page: 118-125

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In India, bricks are substantially composed up of complexion, and are generally produced in traditional, unorganized small scale diligence. Bricks are important structure material and about 250 billion bricks are annually produced by the slipup diligence. Red complexion bricks making consumes larger quantum of complexion which leads to top soil junking and land declination. Large areas of lands are destroyed every time especially in developing countries due to collection of soil from a depth of about 1 to 2 m from agrarian land. An important step in slipup timber is firing of bricks in slipup kilns which beget serious environmental pollution and health problems. Brick burning largely impact the attention of hothouse feasts in the atmosphere. This causes serious air pollution and also workers in slipup diligence are prone to respiratory conditions, to avoid all this environmental pitfalls slipup made of waste that's began from the waste as a residue from the different diligence and manufactories, this types of bricks are nominated as cover ash bricks which is composed by the different accoutrements similar as lime, gypsum, beach, fly ash etc. The ideal of this paper is to explain about manufacturing of cover ash bricks in present period and advantages of using it as a construction material. In this paper author explain about advantages of cover ash bricks over burnt complexion bricks or red bricks and manufacturing process of cover ash slipup

Survey Paper on Jarvis Digital Life Assistant

Sneha Sabale, Madhavi Vora, Prof. A. S. Shinde 05/03/2022 Page: 126-128

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Jarvisis “Just Rather Virtual Assistant System” which make easiest our life. In this project Jarvis is digital life assistant which uses only human communication means such twitter, instant message and voice to create two way connection between human and his apartment, controlling light and appliances assist in booking , notify him of breaking news, facebook notification and many more. In our project we mainly use voice as a communication means so the Jarvis is basically speech recognition system. This concept of speech technology encompasses two different technologies first is Synthesizer and second is Recognizer. The speech synthesizer takes as input and produce and audio stream as output. Also speech recognizer on other hand does opposite. Also it takes an audio stream as an input and thus turns it into text transcription. The voice is a signal of infinite command. The direct analysis and synthesizing the complex voice due to too much information contained in the signal. Therefore the digital signal process such as Feature Extraction and Feature matching are introduced to represent the voice signal. In this project we directly use speech engine which use Feature Extraction technique as Mel scaled frequency cepstral. The Mel scaled frequency ceptrals coefficients (MFCCs) derived from most widely used front-ends in state-of-the-art speech recognition systems. Our aim to create more and more functionalities which can help human to assist their daily life and reduce their effort. In our test we check all these functionalities are working properly.

Self Curing Posibilities of Concrete by Using Soluble Polymer

Tule Suraj Shivaji, Shendage Babasaheb Chandrakant, Prof. Phule S.N. 05/03/2022 Page: 129-133

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Now a day’s concrete is a necessary artifact and versatile construction material which is widely employed in housing industry everywhere the globe thanks to its compressible strength, on other hand water is that the key ingredient which forms a paste that binds the all material together but is becoming scarce and valuable material. Water plays a significant role in Curing of concrete which directly effect on durability and other performance necessities. Improper curing can affect the concrete performance and sturdiness. The concept of several self-curing agents to scale back water evaporation from concrete. And hence increases the water retention capacity of concrete compared to standard concrete. it had been found that water soluble polymers may be used as self-curing agents in concrete. The advantage of self -curing admixtures is more significant in desert areas where water isn't adequately available. during this study, polyacrylic acid, polyethylene glycol are going to be tried as self-curing agents and its effect on ordinary concrete will examined. It’ll be mixed separately with ordinary concrete with varying percentage and its effect on properties of concrete are going to be examined.

Recycling of Waste Water by Using Vemifilter

Parade Kaviraj, Naiknware Pratibha, Prof. Kale Vinod 05/03/2022 Page: 134-136

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Vermifiltration is a well-known biotechnological aerobic process of treatment of wastewater which is carried out with the use of epigenic earthworms as a means of treating wastewater and it has been increasingly regarded as an environmental friendly wastewater treatment technique. In the present work, treatment of domestic wastewater was performed using the species of Eisenia fetida earthworm to achieve the requisite quality of the effluent. The study included evaluation of performance efficiencies of vermifiltration system based on various parameters like pH, temperature, EC, DO, salinity, BOD, COD, phosphate, sulphate, nitrate and also the pathogen removal efficiencies for total coliform and faecal coliform. The study of five month study revealed that presence of earthworm in the vermifilter bed can efficiently remove BOD and COD by 83.51 % and 83.33% respectively. About 90-99% pathogen removal efficiency was observed for total coliform and faecal coliform which shows that Verm filtered water can be reused for non-potable purposes like irrigation, gardening, industrial etc

Review on Mechanical Ventilator

Patel S. S., Pawar S. A., Prof. Mane K. P. 05/03/2022 Page: 137-138

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Mechanical ventilation is routinely delivered to inpatients' rooms to reduce respiratory function, improve oxygen supply, or correct respiratory acidosis. Although traditional mechanical ventilation achieves many of these purposes, they have important limitations. Alternatives should hold some of these limitations and are now available in modern ventilators. This article reviews the most common aspects of operation and the limitations of traditional mechanical ventilation, as well as the potential interest of promising new methods.

Solar Inverter Project Using SG3525

Sneha Shinde, Bhagyashri Kuchekar, Prof. S. S. Shinde 05/03/2022 Page: 139-141

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The high energy demand and the constant depletion of fossil fuels lead us to shift our focus to renewable energy sources which are not only the future unlimited source of energy it is also eco friendly and viable for the environment . Solar energy is the oldest form of renewable energy. This paper focuses on design of solar inverter which is required to run an AC loads which is mostly used as consumable purpose .The power output of the designed inverter is 100w, input voltage is 12v, output is 220v, and 50Hz square wave output.

Virtual Doctor Robot

Choudhari P. S., Khape. O. P., Prof. Jadhav. A. A. 05/03/2022 Page: 142-145

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We all know that during pandemic like corona or generally in hospitals, the front-line workers such as doctors, nurses, compounder in hospitals are nearest to the patients. They all need to look after the patients without caring about themselves and hence doctors, nurses, workers have a high chance of getting contacted to the disease. And few of the medical personnel fearing for the disease and their health, they are not ready to work in the hospital. Hence to tackle this problem we have come up with a solution i.e., Virtual doctor robot- The artificial nurse. The result of this project is a robot that is designed to act as a medical assistant robot which can be controlled by nurses or doctors from a distance using their smart phone or it can just use autonomous navigation to reach the patients and give them required medicines, monitor patients health and stream all the patient information wirelessly through the internet to your palm(mobile). Which sterilizes the hospital wherever it travels. Not only it can carry lightweight packages and sterilize the hospital, It can be used as a telecommunication robot ad establish communication between doctor and patient.

Smart Medicine Reminder Monitoring Using Arduino

Lokhande P.D. , Karnavar M.N., Prof. Kokare.A.J. 05/03/2022 Page: 146-148

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Most of the time due to work of the people as well as regarding age and some disease which leads to forget the basic things among daily routine . Health monitoring specially for elderly people is a concern and as most people in the modern times are job holders and have so hectic life. If the patients suffering from the disease where it is compulsory to take medicine at proper time.It can be possible the development of a low cost medical sensing, communication and analytics device that is real time monitoring internet allowed patients physical conditions. In day to day life people face trouble remembering the pills that need to be consumed .people also have habit of forgetting to take pills. The basic two reasons Arduino is important for this project is firstly it is automated, so no human interaction is needed. And secondly, because of automation the process have less chance of having errors i.e. having a more efficient system indicating a better quality in service tomake a smart identification technology which will help to reduce the error rate subsequently increasing efficiency and to automate.

Hospital Management System

Nisha Nimbalkar, Divya Bhosale, Prof. I.Y.Inamdar 05/03/2022 Page: 149-151

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Our extend hospital administration framework incorporates enrollment of persistent, putting away their subtle elements into the framework, additionally computerized charging within the drug store, and labs. HMS could be a program to robotize most of the day to day exercises of a clinic. The data recovered effortlessly. The interface is exceptionally user-friendly. Its areas for different proficient that make up a hospital.

Heartbeat Detection Using Machine Learning

Todkar Sapna, Zambare Supriya, Prof. Waghmode.B.B 05/03/2022 Page: 152-154

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Heart Rate (HR) is one of the most important Physiological parameters and a vital indicator of people’s physiological state and is therefore important to monitor. Monitoring of HR often involves high costs and complex application of sensors and sensor systems. Research progressing during last decade focuses more on noncontact based systems which are simple, low-cost and comfortable to use. Still most of the noncontact based systems are fit for lab environments in offline situation but needs to progress considerably before they can be applied in real time applications. This project presents a real time HR monitoring method using a webcam. The heart rate is obtained through facial skin color variation caused by blood circulation. Three different signal processing methods such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) have been applied on the color channels in video recordings and the blood volume pulse (BVP) is extracted from the facial regions. The obtained results show that there is a high degree of agreement between the proposed experiments and reference measurements.

Review Paper on Distributed Control of Micro-Grid

Gade Suyash Tukaram, Gharge Giriraj Gopalrao,Prof.Bhadke.D.B. 05/03/2022 Page: 155-159

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Micro grid system has received a lot of and a lot of attention internationally in recent years. Because the best sort of distributed generations, small grid system has additionally found wide applications in several areas. Micro grid is efficient thanks to manage energy storage systems, natural resources generation and numerous hundreds to produce high & smart quality power. Because of the irregularity of renewable generation, additionally as perpetually ever-changing load demand, energy storage systems area unit typically planned to balance supply-demand within the small grid. There’s associate increasing a lot of interest in try targeted to the analysis and style and implementation of distributed management systems for AC Micro grids, DC and hybrid AC/DC Micro grids. The controlling Micro grid varies Equipment are used. In this project we can show the controlling of Micro grid system using Matlab Simulation.

Digital Future of Currency

Kulkarni Sanskruti, Karale Shrutika, Kumbhar Gauri, Prof. S.D. Pandhare 05/03/2022 Page: 160-162

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The style of cryptography and a valuable capacity of modern numerical proficiency can be utilized to make a season graphic. Crypto currency and the Encrypted Peer-to-Peer Network Crypto currency is in an exceptional situation as a foreigner. The developing number of individuals utilizing on the web ideas and beginning new organizations implies that digital currency is a monetary movement that includes purchasing, selling and exchanging. This paper looks at the current legitimate status of cryptographic money as well as future government developments on this currency. Crypto currency is expected to be utilized as a mechanism for general or restricted reason vehicle of exchange. Crypto currency has arisen as a significant monetary programming framework. Security relies upon the disseminated information structure. Mining is a necessary piece of such frameworks.

Electricity Power Generation by Using Thermal Plant

Dhobale Swapnil Haridas, Surve Nayan Maruti, Prof.Bhadke.D.B. 05/03/2022 Page: 163-166

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Pollution, population, electricity, traffic, these are the words that everyone talks about every day, that they are facing this or that problem, but we need to know that we create the problem from within ourselves. In recent years, growing concerns about environmental emissions, in particular global warming and energy constraints have prompted in-depth research on new power generation technologies. Thermoelectric power generation is emerging as a promising alternative green technology due to its distinct advantages such as environmental friendliness, lower production costs, etc. The generation of thermoelectric energy offers potential applications in the direct conversion of waste heat into electricity, where heat costs do not have to be taken into account. Applying this alternative green technology to convert waste heat directly into electricity can also improve the overall efficiency of the energy conversion system. This article discusses basic thermoelectric ideas, including their importance and appropriate applications for waste heat, noise/vibration

IOT Based Distribution Line Monitoring System

Bagal Rutuja Kalyan, Shinde Amruta Mahadev, Prof. D. B. Bhadke 05/03/2022 Page: 167-169

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Locating fault locations is the primary goal of power system engineers in transmission and distribution networks. Electricity distribution in India is now much more important than ever thought, it depends on high voltage power lines which sometimes have to traverse kilometers of jungle or mountains to reach certain areas and it has to be preventive as even a single breakdown can stop the electricity flow supply. This proposed solar energy model uses Ohm's Law concept to detect fault locations quickly, realistically and inexpensively. In this way, IoT makes energy efficiency and continuous monitoring possible. The AC voltage is usually 230 V RMS and is connected to a transformer which reduces this AC voltage to the desired AC voltage level. This generated DC voltage usually has some variation of ripple or AC voltage.

Covid-19 Detection from Lung CT Imagery

Sayal Sabale, Aishwarya Mali, Prof. S.D Pandhare 05/03/2022 Page: 170-172

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The expanding number of instances of affirmed Covid infection (COVID-19) in China is striking. The motivation behind this study was to research the connection between chest CT discoveries and the clinical states of COVID-19 pneumonia. Among the people who foster indications, most (around 80%) recuperate from the illness without requiring clinic treatment. Around 15% become truly sick and require oxygen and 5% become fundamentally sick and need concentrated consideration. Intricacies prompting passing might incorporate respiratory disappointment, intense respiratory trouble disorder (ARDS), sepsis and septic shock, thromboembolism, as well as multiorgan disappointment, including injury of the heart, liver or kidneys. In uncommon circumstances, youngsters can foster an extreme fiery condition half a month after contamination. Proposed strategy recognizes the accessibility of NOVEL CORONA as well as it tracks the treatment progress. In Second era, number of designs or calculations is available for characterization issue. In different dialects we need to begin without any preparation, yet for MATLAB and Python this is another case., just calling those work and changing the info contention, you test. Because of accessible implicit orders, plan and advancement time get decreased. With insignificant Mathematics behind profound learning, we can plan and test different designs of neural organization.

IOT Based Sugar Industry Real Time Parameters Monitoring by Using Esp32

Yogesh S. Nimbalkar, Rahul B. Deshmukh, Prof.Anil J. Kokare 05/03/2022 Page: 173-176

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Today’s word is internet world; Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at rapid rate increasing technology. A network of connected computers hidden in every corner of our life monitoring and controlling things with minimal IOT supports to connect hard ware devices to the internet to process the data for monitoring and security. This system uses ESP32 and sensors helps to monitor the different parameters of big sugar industry like AC load, DC load, and temperature, level, Fan speed etc. are accessed and monitored from remote area by using My SQL and publish on webpage automatically. This system is very useful for small scale industry for to achieve maximum throughput and to avoid from accidents by it is a simple, smart monitoring and security system and also tells the importance of IoT in industrial applications. Proposed method very well suitable for small scale industries monitoring and controlling.

A Review on Fault Detection and Monitoring of Hybrid Power Plant by Using IOT

Meghana A.Kale, Laxmi R.Lokhande, Suraj S.Shinde 05/03/2022 Page: 177-181

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With the rapid development of wind power and solar capacity, from which we need to deduce the total operating time, the maintenance of wind turbines and solar power plants is becoming increasingly important, so we urgently need to develop fast and efficient fault detection and monitoring. So, in this project, we are using an IoT (Internet of Things) technology modem for the interface. At the same time, we will detect and monitor faults so that the time required for this process (fault detection and monitoring) is reduced and we improve the stability of the hybrid power plant. The discussion in this review article is based on IoT remote monitoring of hybrid power plants for performance evaluation. UK replica uhren schweiz cheap super clone watches with high quality for men and women online.
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IOT Based Smart Food Monitoring System

Prathmesh S.Kulkarni , Pradip P.Khurd, Suraj S.Shinde 05/03/2022 Page: 182-184

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In present scenario, the work done is in terms of the sensed value that has been recorded and a detailed analysis has been performed but automated controlled alternatives are not present. The proposed solution analyzes temperature, humidity and light, as these parameters affect the nutritional value of foods such as fruit and vegetables, and makes the analysis results available to users via mobile applications. The web server is used to store real time data values and to analyze the results. User is alerted via messages along with locations of the shipment whenever an emergency occurs in this solution; heterogeneous sensors for various domains are employed for sensing the condition of food.

Converting Sound Energy to Electric Energy

Aniket S Nale, Akash M Pawar, Krishna S Pise, Gajanan S Mali, Amol.N. Godase 05/03/2022 Page: 185-187

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Nowadays the main problem is noise pollution. However we cannot either control it or reduce it but we can use it as a source of energy. There is a huge shortage of electricity even though there are many sources because we need electricity to run most of our devices and do our daily work. Sound is a mechanical form of energy which travel in the form of wave, wave that is an oscillation of pressure this pressure created by the sound could be used to convert it into electric energy transducer.

Orientalists and their Role in the Study of the Arabic Language: Researcher Preparation

Masar Saadi Rahim 05/03/2022 Page: 188-194

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The heritage is the most valuable and greatest thing that we possess, as it represents the balance and butter of what the predecessors left, and the departure of those present to advance peoples forward. Leah is among the ages, as the heritage knows us on the other hand with its failures, setbacks, calamities, and sorrows, and from here we find no saying in the right of the heritage except that it was and still is the Khazars of every nation - it was necessary to preserve it and dust it off.

Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on Creative Performance: A Study of its Analysis in the Ministry of Electricity

Raed Abdul Jabbar Khudhur 05/03/2022 Page: 195-230

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The research objectives focused on testing the impact of strategic intelligence with its dimensions (forecasting, systems thinking / future vision, motivation, partnership) in improving the creative performance of a sample of leaders of the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity and its dimensions (risk, flexibility, sense of problems, originality), and given the importance of the two variables for the ministry from the perspective of My application touches its reality on the one hand, and the sample (general managers, assistant general managers, directors of power plants, heads of departments, unit officials) on the other hand, and in order to adopt the pillars of strategic intelligence to improve creative performance as a goal viewed from different angles and on this basis, it was The research problem (Was the Ministry of Electricity able to adopt strategic intelligence in improving its creative performance?), so that this question would be a research goal. , to collect and analyze through the statistical program (SPSS V.28) and through the appropriate statistical methods, so that the analysis of the practical side reaches the most prominent result (with the high availability of the search variables, with the ministry’s investment of strategic intelligence in improving creative performance through the two dimensions of systems thinking and partnership).

The Largest Army in Ancient History

Dr. Madhuri Kumari 05/03/2022 Page: 231-236

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As indicated by Megasthenes, who filled in as a minister from the Seleucid Realm, Chandragupta Maurya fabricated a military comprising of 30,000 mounted force, 9,000 conflict elephants, and 600,000 infantry. Chandragupta vanquished a lot of Indian subcontinent, laying out a realm from the Middle Eastern Ocean to the Straight of Bengal. Ruler Alauddin Khilji is known to have the biggest standing armed force because of his tactical changes. For additional perusing really take a look at the accompanying articles: Mamluk Tradition. Mansabdari Framework. The best ruler known to Indian history is Ashoka The Incomparable. His realm was established by Chandragupta Maurya, who was a granddad of Ashoka, over a long time back. Ashoka was incredibly upheld and lead by the renowned man Chanakya, additionally known by Kautilya. Para-Commandos: Para extraordinary power is one of the most prepared powers of the Indian Armed force. Marcos: Marcos otherwise called marine commandos, it is the deadliest power of the Indian Safeguard Power.

Graph-Based Algorithms For Solving Complex Assignment Problems In Operations Research

Dr. Rajendra Singh 05/03/2022 Page: 237-244

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The assignment problem is hooked up in a variety positions when decision makers need to decide the ultimate allocation and this means assigning most effective one undertaking to 1 individual to gain maximum income or imports or gain less time or much less cost based at the type of problem. Assignment Problem corresponds with the product distribution among demand factors and deliver factors. Many algorithms were counselled to locate the optimal end result. The motive of this study is to suggest the precise model to discover the answer to the assignment problem. This paper makes a speciality of Hungarian Method. This look at has performed an in depth case look at to discover a viable option to the assignment problem. The computational effects propose that Hungarian Method give an ideal solution and may manage any complex state of affairs. In current years, graph theory has hooked up itself as an essential mathematical tool in sort of topics starting from Operations research. At the identical time it has also emerged as a worthwhile mathematical field in its very own proper.