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Vol. 8, Jan-Dec 2022

Indigenous Soil Fertility and Water Resource Management Practices in Awi Zone, Amhara National Regional State (ANRS), Northwest Ethiopia

Ayenew Mammo Seyoum 25/01/2022 Page: 001-008

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The people of Awi have succeeded in preserving their age-old traditions that are handed down from generation to generation. In Awi farm land and soil fertility management systems employ three major types of strategies in order to manage the organic matter and chemical fertility of the cultivated soils: Mixed cropping rotational cropping and indigenous organic practices. Irrigation is the artificial application of water to soil for the purpose of crop production. The major purpose of this paper is, therefore, to bring out, to assess and analyze the indigenous soil fertility management systems as well as the indigenous managements of river waters for irrigation. In the course of the study, I have depended mainly on primary and secondary sources, as well as oral informants, and archival materials. For archives, I have used Debre Markos University Archive Center, Addis Ababa National Archives and Library Agency, Institute of Ethiopian Studies of Addis Ababa University and Awi Zone Agriculture Office. Indeed, gathering oral information from knowledgeable individuals through interviews was another important source data for the research. The interview was effectively addressed by qualitative approach through purposive sampling method. In the interview semi structured interview questions were designed for acquiring valuable information about the study. The age and the ability to remember the past events and the level of participation in the local affairs were given emphasis for the selection of informants. The data which I collected from oral sources were crosschecked with archival and secondary sources before interpretation. Thus, the consideration of the land tenure system and the social structure as well as taxation system in Agaw Meder (presently Awi Zone) helps to study and investigate not only the study area but also to comprehend other areas regarding the issue.

The Moderating Effect of Youth Empowerment Programmes Between Institutional Reputation and Skills Acquisition in Kano State, Nigeria

Magajiya Tanko, Yahya Uthman Abdullahi 12/03/2022 Page: 009-023

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The capability of a country to accomplish a sustainable development is basically depend on the skills of its youthful segment, as well as its institutions. Thus, the objective of this paper is to examine the relationship of institutional reputation and skills acquisition moderated by youth empowerment program. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed the respondents who were the beneficiaries of the programs drawn from the seven Skill Acquisition Institutes in the Kano State, Nigeria. 318 usable questionnaires were returned and analyzed. The study has used SPSS 20 for the assessment of the hypothesized model. The multiple and hierarchical regression analysis were employed for data analysis. The results discovered that there was a positive and significant relationship between institutional reputation and skills acquisition, and further study inferred that the effect of youth empowerment has positively but insignificantly influence institutional reputation towards skills acquisition. Other findings include the need to maintain a high degree of cooperation between institutions and industry in a country with high segments of youth facing major difficulties in searching adequate employments. The findings of the study are of a great value to both theory and practice and have vital implications for academicians, practitioners and policy makers.

The Effect of Strategic Decision-Making Processes in Determining the Strategic Orientation of Hotel Organizations: A Field Study in a Sample of Iraqi Hotels of the Highest Class

Assist Prof. Akram Abdulkareem 22/06/2022 Page: 024-031

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The research aims to shed light on the most important theoretical and field features of the concept of strategic orientation and to indicate the dimensions and indicators through which the hotel organization can be judged that it adopts the optimal strategic orientation. On facing and overcoming problems in hotel work in light of recent changes, and consequently, these organizations have become in a position to adopt modern approaches to strategic decision-making processes. Its views through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose and one of the most important conclusions is that the strategic orientation translates the nature of the vision and mission of the organization and the nature of the strategic goals. Therefore, the administrations face an important imperative that appears in the necessity of deepening the understanding of this dimension, which is missing by many Iraqi hotel administrations, which is what the researcher touched through the field study and one of the most prominent Recommendations: It is necessary for hotel administrations to support efforts to deepen understanding of the content of strategic decision-making processes My strategy, in a systematic scientific way, is far from improvisation and emotion, which can be accomplished through the adoption of developmental training policies and forums for the dissemination of strategic thought and research and scientific work.

Subject Review: Organizational Identification Of Business Organizations

Dr. Muthana Zahim Fisal, Asst. Prof. Dr. Suhair Adel Hamed 28/06/2022 Page: 032-037

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The concept of Organizational Identification (OI) has had an interesting history, spanning nearly more than seven decades (1947-present). Although it was proposed in 1950 the concept remained static and stable until the early nineties. In 1970 it lost its identity and was classified under the definition of Attitudinal Obligation (ATOC) Hence, it is often referred to as "Cinderella Organizational Studies". In the late 1980s, organizational Identification was recognized as a unique construct, in order to distinguish it from other related constructs with a differential effect on individual and organizational outcomes. In a comprehensive review of the literature, this review consolidates key milestones in the evolution of organizational Identification over the past seven decades. This article highlights current research trends in the field of organizational homology identification, It raises questions about some of the trends that could pose a threat to the definition of basic organizational Identification from the past, It concludes by providing guidance for future research on identifying organizational Identification.

Face Threatening Act in Media Chat: A Discourse-Pragmatic Analysis

Asst. Prof. Dr. Bushra Ni’ma Rashid 29/06/2022 Page: 038-052

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The purpose of this study is to investigate how face threatening acts are used in Donald Trump’s Victory speech. The study has examined the use of different speech acts (requests, offers, promises, etc.) to impose negative or positive face threat on either the speaker or the hearer, in order to obtain political objectives. The study is, therefore, based on the study of face threatening acts used by the former American president, Donald Trump, in his victory speech. The researcher also wants to examine whether positive or negative face threatening acts are being used more frequently by Trump. It is hypothesized that the American president, Donald Trump, uses negative face threatening acts more frequently than positive face threatening acts. The procedures followed by the researcher involves illustrating the adopted model of analysis of Brown and Levinson’s (1987) model on politeness theory, and collecting data. One speech by the former USA President, Donald Trump has been chosen. The researcher has discovered that Trump uses negative face threatening acts more than the positive one towards the hearer.

Sanctions on Russia and its Implications on Trade, Economy and Finance

Ekta Manhas 02/07/2022 Page: 053-055

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The Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022 and the sanctions imposed on Russia have extensive geo-political and geo-economic repercussions on a global scale. In addition to impacting international power politics, it has altered the global economy in terms of the international commodity market, international trade, financial flows, and financial markets. The sanctions have reversed the progress of the global economy, which had just begun to recover from the pandemic recession. The US and EU have previously placed sanctions on Russia because of its war with Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Management by Roaming and its Impact on the Level of Continuous Commitment: An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Teachers and Administrators in the Colleges of Tourism Sciences in Iraq

Dr Dunya Tariq Ahmed, Dr Imad Hussein Saud 28/07/2022 Page: 056-067

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The two researchers aim through the current research to define the concept of management by roaming and the level of continuous commitment, as well as to show the impact of the relationship between them in the faculties of tourism sciences in Iraqi universities (Al-Mustansiriyah University, Mosul University, Karbala University). The research problem was: What is the extent of application of the management style by roaming in the colleges of tourism sciences in Iraq? And what is the effect of the level of continuous commitment from the teachers’ point of view, and the research started from a main hypothesis from which five sub-hypotheses emerged to explore the influence relationships between the research variables by analyzing the answers of the research sample, which included (74) teachers and administrators working in the colleges investigated, and data and information were collected Using the questionnaire, the data were analyzed using the statistical program (28.SPSS_V). The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are: The manager, through his roaming in the organization, checks the safety and accuracy of the communication channels by matching the information received to him and comparing with the actual reality of the work.

Mensural Hygiene Management Practices Among Adolescent Girls

Dr. Mariyam Fatima, Faiza Zahid 23/09/2022 Page: 068-074

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Menstruation is associated with a variety of beliefs and prohibitions in our country, different cultures have different perceptions regarding menstruation while it’s a normal phenomenon for every female which comes every month. But due to such beliefs, a menstrual girl is unclean, untouched, and dirty, resulting in a lack of awareness among adolescent females. Stress-related to menstruation and reproductive tract Infections are caused by insufficient menstrual hygiene habits. In our community, sexually transmitted illness and HIV/AIDS are not openly acknowledged, leaving youth susceptible. Mensural hygiene management refers to the management practices that are done by girls at the time of ‘their menstruation. At that time, numerous organisms are attracted from the body and multiply due to the warmth of the blood, which causes many infections like irritation, rashes, urinary tract infections, etc. There are many menstrual products available on the market to absorb the blood at the time of bleeding through the vagina. But regular use of such products can prevent us from many infections. So, it is important to make all girls and women aware of menstrual hygiene products and practices according to their needs and requirements. Many females are unaware of the sizes and absorbency of napkins and are unable to select their menstrual products based on their needs. And such women faced stains on their clothes. However, once they have a thorough understanding of the products, they will be able to easily understand and meet their needs.

Analysis of the Economic Performance of the Hotel Industry using the Break-Even Method: Case Study – Al -Mansour Hotel Company

Dr Majid Hameed Nasser 24/09/2022 Page: 075-106

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The break-even point is concerned with studying the relationship between revenues, costs and profits at different levels of production, and it means determining the lowest level of production or level of sales that can be achieved for the company in which revenues are equal to costs as it does not achieve losses or profits, so that the lower the volume of sales at the break-even point, the greater the company's opportunities achieving profits. UK AAA omega replica watches are equipped with Swiss movements. You can possess the cheap fake watches from online stores.
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Study of the Effect of Language Proficiency and Study Habits on Academic Achievement of Rural and Urban Students

Anita Singh 04/10/2022 Page: 107-113

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Objectives of assessment in the language classroom are to measure the understanding of language, the ability to use it in different contexts, and the ability to assess aesthetic aspects. Assessment is an integral part of the learning-teaching process. Therefore, before assessing whether the child has acquired a skill or not, consider whether the child has been repeatedly given different opportunities to acquire that skill. Here are some basic pointers for assessment for classes 1st to 5th which can be modified as per the requirement of the child. By acquiring linguistic proficiency, the student is able to think of his general, specific and individual and group. To acquire linguistic proficiency, their study habits need to be developed through continuous practice. This affects their academic achievement. In the present research, the effect of language proficiency and study habits on academic achievement has been studied. According to research findings, language proficiency does not affect study habits, but study habits have an effect on academic achievement.

The Role of Foreign Investment in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Basra Marshes (Futuristic Insight)

Nisreen Ghali Qasem 30/10/2022 Page: 114-132

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The research aims to give a role and importance to foreign investment in the development of the marshes in a sustainable manner, as these sites are an important resource and an alternative to oil and an important source for reviving the tourism sector, especially in Basra Governorate, as well as attracting foreign investments, whether individuals or companies, and thus setting a clear and future vision for the development of the marshes through The elements of tourist attractions because of their return to the province’s revenues and placing these revenues in the province’s budget to form a simple part and assistant to the rentier resource. Foreign investment in the marshes, which leads to reducing unemployment and finding a new resource for the province as an alternative to oil.

The Role of Social Media in Promoting a Micro Business Online

Dwivedi Manoj Ramashankar, Prof. (Dr.) Prakash Divakaran 04/11/2022 Page: 132-136

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Users are able to discuss their consumption habits, product preferences, views, and experiences obtained via use of online social networking sites as a means of communication, which is used to evaluate the usefulness of this convenience. In order to be successful in social media marketing, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) need to adopt a strategic approach to the selection of the social media platform that will be utilised to communicate with their target audience. According to the findings of previous studies, social media marketing activities have the potential to improve brand recognition. This results in a brand, product, or service being constantly brought to the thoughts of consumers.

The Influence of Psychological Factors on Individual Investment Behavior in the Stock Market

Reet Aggarwal 12/11/2022 Page: 137-142

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Investors, like everyone else, have their own unique characteristics and characteristics that set them apart from one another. These characteristics include, but are not limited to, age, race/ethnicity, gender, degree of education, and socioeconomic status. The investing decision poses the most difficulty for them, and instead of acting rationally, they typically give in to their intuition and emotional prejudices. Researchers have found that different psychological elements play a significant role in the investors' final decision. With this in mind, researchers devised a model to explain how investors' risk perception mediates the effects of risk propensity, asymmetric information, and problem framing on their decision-making processes. The model also estimates the relative importance that investors give to each independent variable. Using the framework of behavioral finance, this research investigates the psychological considerations of investors and how these influence their Stock Exchange trades (SE). The findings demonstrate the impact of five psychological elements on financial choices: overconfidence, optimism, herd behavior, the psychology of risk, and pessimism. To be more specific, investors' long-term investments benefit from overconfidence and herd behavior while investors' long-term investments suffer from excessive optimism, the psychology of risk, and excessive pessimism. This analysis, grounded in the field of behavioral finance, elucidates the psychological determinants of investors' actions. One of the paper's flaws is that it doesn't address the potential downsides of considering psychological aspects while making financial investments. As such, it is viewed as a promising future research direction for developing stock markets.

The Training Productivity of the Technical Staff of the Iraqi Premier League Football Clubs and its Relationship to the Anxiety of the Training Age

Dr. Haider Karim Saeed 21/11/2022 Page: 143-156

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The current research aims to identify the training productivity of the technical staff in the Iraqi Premier League in football, as well as to identify the anxiety of aging among the coaches of the Iraqi Premier League football clubs. And to identify the statistical differences in the training productivity of the technical staff, according to the concern of the progress of the training age of the Premier League football coaches. The research community has been identified and they are the players of the Iraqi Premier League football clubs, whose number is (188) players, representing (63%) of the research community. The researcher used the scale (Al-Shammari, 2021) to measure productivity after adapting it from the general educational field to the sports field, specifically the technical staff of Iraqi Premier League football club coaches. Football varies from one indicator to another in the training process and modern training methods, and that there is a consensual follow-up to the classification and qualification of the coaches of Premier League football clubs in the sports training aspect, cognitively and behaviorally, according to their level of training. The excellent footballers are worried about their training age, according to their training levels.

Study on the Good Distribution Practices Organization Structure of Automobile Industries and Pharmaceutical Industries

Vishnu Shukla, Dr Sujay Madhukar Khadilkar 27/11/2022 Page: 157-165

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Introduction: The present supply networks of a corporation may be impacted if rules and laws in many countries were to undergo significant change. Logistics is a knowledge-based sector that is a component of supply chain management (SCM). Aim of the study: the main aim of the study is to Good Distribution practices Organization Structure of Automobile Industries And Pharmaceutical Industries Material and method: For the purpose of this research, the sample frame that will be investigated will consist of the GDP Management, Dealers, and Customers of the Automotive Industry and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Conclusion: The primary purpose of organising this chapter is to investigate the efficacy of good distribution practises (GDP) in the pharmaceutical and automobiles industries

History of Indian Traditional Medicine: A Medical Inheritance

Dr Madhuri Kumari 02/12/2022 Page: 166-174

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Objective: Indian Conventional Medication, the groundwork old enough old act of medication on the planet, plays had a fundamental impact in human medical care administration and government assistance from its commencement. Similarly, all traditional medicines have distinct regional effects and are particularly prevalent in West Asian nations; East Asian nations like India, Pakistan, Tibet, and so on; Africa, South and Central America, China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and other countries Based on recent methodical reviews, this article aims to shed light on the significance of Indian traditional medical care. Methods: Search engines, for instance; Reviews and meta-analyses were conducted using Google, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Results: People who use Indian Traditional Medicine for a variety of ailments and disorders and those who rely on modern medicine have been at odds for a long time; cure with modern medicine. A fundamental truth is at the heart of the civil debate between modern medicine and traditional medicine: Every individual, irrespective of education or illness, ought to be educated about the realities of their illness and the medication side effects that accompany it. Helpful information on Indian customary medication has moved different conventional methodologies with comparative or various hypotheses and approaches, which are of territorial importance. Conclusion: to investigate phytochemicals and extend research on Indian Traditional Medicine in the near future; The current review will be beneficial to traditional medicinal pursuit researchers.

The Impact of Homeownership on Social, Psychological, and Economic Well-Being in Pune District: A Study of Real Estate Industries

Tupsakhare Sanjay Anant, Dr. Sujay Madhukar Khadlikar 04/12/2022 Page: 175-181

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Homeownership is a critical aspect of individuals' lives, impacting not only their economic well-being but also their social and psychological aspects. This research paper aims to investigate the multifaceted impact of homeownership on residents in Pune District, India, with a specific focus on the real estate industries. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, this study explores the various dimensions of the homeownership experience and its implications on social relationships, mental health, and overall economic stability. The findings of this research contribute valuable insights into the significance of homeownership, shedding light on policy implications and potential enhancements in the real estate sector.

Women and Children: Oppression in The God of Small Things

Neelam Tandon 05/12/2022 Page: 182-186

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"The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy addresses a wide range of complex social issues that were prevalent in Kerala, India, during the 1960s. The novel skillfully weaves these issues into the narrative, providing a profound commentary on various aspects of society. Through its intricate narrative and nuanced character portrayals, "The God of Small Things" serves as a powerful exploration of these complex social issues. Arundhati Roy's masterful storytelling brings these themes to life, shedding light on the deep-rooted problems that have shaped Indian society and continue to resonate globally.

A Comprehensive Exploration of Students Perception of Social Media Addiction of Being Gen Z Incipient Delinquency

Vaidehi Gupta 09/12/2022 Page: 187-204

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This research aims to provide a thorough analysis of students' perspectives on social media addiction as an emerging problem for the new generation. With the proliferation of social media platforms and their increasing integration into daily life, concerns have arisen about the potential addictive nature of these platforms and their impact on students' well-being. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gain a holistic understanding of the issue. Data will be collected from a diverse sample of students across various educational institutions, and the findings will be used to identify key factors contributing to social media addiction and its implications on academic performance, mental health, and social relationships. The study will shed light on potential interventions and coping strategies to address this emerging problem effectively. 1:1 best fake watches UK with Swiss movements for modern men and women.
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Developing a Financial Data Analysis in Conjunction with Risk Quantification Based on Python Programming Tools

Saniya Malik 11/12/2022 Page: 205-208

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Internet technology plays an increasingly significant role in collecting and analysing financial data as the level of information in the financial sector continues to rise. Internet technology enables accurate data collection and analysis on a large scale. The large-capacity financial database demands more efficiency and accuracy of data analysis tools. Python, a brand-new programming language, has the potential to become an essential tool for financial data collection and analysis by completing the sniffing and collection of Internet resources more effectively. Python technology faces several challenges and dangers due to scientific and technological advancements. The purpose of this article is to discuss how to analyse risks quantitatively using Python and the most important applications of Python in financial data analysis.

An In-Depth Analysis of Patent Laws and the Prospects of Challenging Patent (that are applied for) by Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Tools and Algorithms

Sohana Verma 12/12/2022 Page: 209-215

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There is a necessity for a mechanised lawful sciences method for handling crime analysis cases subject to laptops and mobile phones, which has advanced to the current high-level maltreatment of structures. Robotized crime location examination is reliably a significant level field as a work in criminal science with the climb of regulations that can take care of genuine cases and PC development that is turning out to be all over. This paper focuses on massive strategies used over ordinary Hard Drive circles and updated techniques expected over Solid-State Drives to perform electronic legitimate sciences assessment. You can possess cheap and luxury UK replica watches if you intensively read the website.
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A Study of Artificial Intelligence for Data Training Prediction

Koli Neha Rajendra, Prof. (Dr.) Prakash Divakaran 14/12/2022 Page: 216-220

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In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology, disrupting several sectors including the data analysis and prediction industries. In this study, we investigate how AI methods might be put to use in the field of predictive data analytics. This study examines the algorithms and techniques used for predictive data training using AI, focusing on their relevance, difficulty, and possible impact. This research seeks to shed light on AI's potential in forecasting data training results and its effect on decision-making by conducting a systematic evaluation of relevant literature, case studies, and practical examples.

Planning and Design of Industrial Engineering Education Quality

Viswanathan S 17/12/2022 Page: 221-226

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The goal of industrial design is to foster economic success, innovate, and ultimately provide a better quality of life. This design activity uses a strategic approach to problem solving while creating systems, experiences, goods, and services. Because of its multidisciplinary nature and the changing needs of the business, it should be aligned with those needs. However, the curriculum planning process lacks a scientific technique, which results in graduates' professional competencies falling short of what employers require. The following is a list of prerequisites for industrial designers from both the academic and industrial sectors. A Quality Capability Sending (QFD) way to deal with work on modern designing (IE) instruction quality at the Centre East Specialized College (METU) is introduced. Significant partners of IE schooling are distinguished as understudies, employees, and future managers of the understudies. Prerequisites for these gatherings from an IE are still up in the air from reviews and meetings with them. These prerequisites are focused on. Principal instruction prerequisites are distinguished to meet the partners' necessities. Basic to the effective sending of a quality culture is the regulation of a coordinated Quality Administration Framework (QMS), in which officially reported processes work as per the vision and mission of a foundation. Simultaneously, the obligation to Constant Quality Improvement (CQI) to close the circle through powerful criticism would guarantee that the arranged results are achieved through the fulfilment of the relative multitude of partners and that the interaction, generally speaking, is improving reliably and persistently. The fruitful reception of value culture requires purchase from every one of the partners (and specifically, the senior administration) and a thorough preparation programme. In this paper, we give a survey of how a QMS might function for the arrangement of value-added education in a 21st-century college.

Employee Retention and Employees’ Satisfaction with Job

Pawar Sachin Chandrakant, Prof. (Dr.) Prakash Divakaran 18/12/2022 Page: 227-234

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Introduction: The human resource has developed into a useful source for businesses to acquire a competitive edge over rival businesses in the competitive and dynamic climate of today. Aim of the study: the main aim of the study is Employee Retention And Employee Satisfaction With the Job Material and method: Different approaches, including mean, standard deviation, trend analysis, t-test, etc., were used to examine the data. Conclusion: After the study is conducted and results are drawn it is concluded that the career development program

An In-Depth Analysis of the Potential and Risks Linked to Big Data in Enhancing the Efficacy of Cybersecurity Safeguards

Drishti Arora 19/12/2022 Page: 235-238

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This research paper presents an examination of the challenges and possibilities that arise from the intersection of Big Data and cybersecurity. The exponential growth of digital data—increasing by a factor of 30 and doubling every two years—presents a significant landscape. By 2025, the projected data volume will exceed 40 trillion gigabytes, amounting to 5200 gigabytes for every individual on Earth. This proliferation of data also signifies an opportunity for organized crime to exploit. In today's 24/7 online lifestyle, there are vast opportunities to connect globally, yet this connectivity also opens doors for cybercriminals. These nefarious actors leverage Big Data to gain insights into infected machines, breached databases, and compromised information systems. By discerning trends, failures, and successes, cybercriminals enhance the efficacy of their subsequent attacks. The foundational three Vs of Big Data—Volume, Velocity, and Variety—offer a framework to integrate security considerations proactively within Big Data architectures. This approach aims to address security concerns by design, safeguarding against cyber threats.

The Covid-19 Effect: Correlating Pandemic Metrics with Stock Market Fluctuations for Enhanced Predictive Models

Shiven Dhawan 20/12/2022 Page: 239-242

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The Covid-19 pandemic drastically reshaped global economies, with stock markets experiencing unprecedented volatility. This research explores the correlation between the Covid-19 pandemic's progression and stock market performance across multiple sectors. By analysing pandemic metrics—such as infection rates, mortality rates, and government response—alongside stock market indices and company performances, we aim to understand the depth of this correlation and its implications for stock market prediction algorithms. The findings indicate a significant relationship between pandemic dynamics and market fluctuations, offering insights for enhancing predictive models using pandemic-related data.